About Us
Joan and Richard
The story of Joan and Richard moving to the `greek islands and starting Cat Sanctuary with rental villas and a cat cafe is told in the Netflix documentary ‘God’s Little People Cat Rescue’ series.
Joan Bowell is a fine artist (etsy.com/shop/GodsLittlePeople), a Pilates teacher and the originator of Gods Little People Cat Rescue (godslittlepeoplecatrescue.org)
Richard Bowell is an internationally acclaimed author of many books on the evolution of Consciousness and the originator of the Conscious World Citizen Movement, working with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (richardabowell.org).
"When we bought this wild, overgrown and beautiful piece of land we had a vision of creating a Sanctuary for people to stay in fine houses in harmony with the cats in the area."
The simple ‘environmental principles’ behind the project are about us caring for and living in harmony with the natural worlds. The estate is a place to withdraw from the stress of living and is a special place to visit - guests have only ever given 5***** reviews.